
Green Tractors Finance

Finance Department

Apply now before making your purchase decisions. You can apply for instant credit or pre-qualify for credit before ever visiting a dealer!

To finance your equipment, parts or service, look no further than John Deere Financial. No other equipment manufacturer holds the same level of name recognition as John Deere. Having established a worldwide reputation for quality you can depend on, John Deere is a company that prides itself on being able to provide customers with trustworthy service.

Because of our commitment to building long-lasting relationships with our customers, John Deere is as dedicated to ensuring your success as you are. With flexible payment options, competitive rates and stress-free application process, John Deere Financial can help you find financing that works for you. For the financing you need, from the company you trust, choose John Deere Financial.

If you've decided you want to finance your new lawn mowergator vehiclesnow removaltractorskid steer, loader or excavator, you're not alone. Seventy percent of enthusiasts do. With a minimum down payment and approved credit, you can arrange credit financing with us and get out on the road a few hours after picking out your lawn mower, gator vehicle, snow removal, tractor, skid steer, loader or excavator.

Plus, you can add in all your parts and accessories, apparel, insurance and more. You'll have everything you need, and you only have to make one monthly payment.

And because we finance more John DeereStihl, Lemken and Jaylor than anyone else, we understand your special needs. Only someone who knows how you feel when you hit the starter button understands that hitting the road ASAP is your biggest concern. That's why we make it easy.

Need Financing? No problem! Just click the button below to fill out our Finance Pre-Approval Form on our secure server. You can complete this form online and email it directly to us. Once we receive your information we can get started on getting your financing processed.

Any questions? Feel free to call us at (905) 878-2121 to discuss your purchase, payment, warranty, and delivery options.

Any information you send us will be treated as confidential and will be used for Green Tractors purchases only. We do not distribute our client information to any other companies.

Apply Now

Talk to Green Tractors about financing your lawn mower, gator vehicle, snow removal, tractor, skid steer, loader or excavator with credit, and get out on the road today.